In the newest episode of “Foreign Exchange,” foreign policy experts Peter Feaver and Bruce Jentleson discuss the latest developments in Iran-U.S. relations, including whether the hostage exchange and the nuclear deal represent a new day in diplomatic relations between the two countries.
State of the Union, Venezuela Election
The author of the new book “After Nature: A Politics for the Anthropocene” looks at a world irrevocably changed by humans and finds that it demands a fundamentally different politics – one that places a moral value on climates and landscapes and takes responsibility for future generations.
in Yale Environment 360
Security Issues
Constitutions were a great democratic advance. Unfortunately ours is broken, writes a Duke law professor.
in New Republic
The 24-hour economy means erratic, last-minute work schedules, says Anna Gassman-Pines. She says the unpredictability is wreaking havoc on workers and their families.
Shows like the new Netflix documentary make the public aware of distortions that occur in the legal process. “But unless our empathy generates demand for greater procedural integrity, only the narrative will change while the system stays the same,” says a Duke law professor who is a former federal prosecutor.
in The New York Times