Disease Control
“It’s hard to satirize Donald Trump because he just does it himself,” says SiriusXM Insight radio show host and comedian Pete Dominick. Dominick and two other Sirius hosts will be at Duke Monday, holding their shows during the day at Penn Pavilion and then taking part in a comedy performance that evening at Page Auditorium.
“Yes, Trump wants to win the elections; he thinks he can do the job; and, he wants to become president and shine. Beyond that? Not so much. Trump has shown no sign that he actually wants to do the job itself,” writes law professor Ralf Michaels.
in the Huffington Post
In his latest book, “The Road Taken,” civil engineer and historian Henry Petroski explores the history, technology and politics involved in everything from constructing the largest bridge span to filling the smallest pothole. He also examines the challenges we face in fixing our myriad infrastructure problems.
in NPR’s “The Diane Rehm Show”