In theory, a family with a high-deductible plan … will scrutinize the cost and quality of health-care options before deciding whether to use them. In practice, health care consumerism doesn't always play out at the bedside in ways that promote savvy medical decisions.
in The Philadelphia Inquirer
Iowa Caucuses in The New York Times
Women voters may get the chance to cast their ballots for a female candidate at the top of the ticket of a major party this year. Duke public policy professor Kristin Goss, author of the book “The Paradox of Gender Equality,” discusses whether women are enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
Combatting ISIS in CCTV-America
“Three swirling societal forces — economic dislocation, cultural anxiety, personal insecurity from terrorism — are mixing together in a potent witch's brew that threatens our democracies well beyond the outcomes of upcoming American and European elections.”
State of the Union in The Hill