“It might be surprising that some of the most enthusiastic supporters of this idea have been Libertarians. but really, it makes sense in that a single, direct payment to citizens could replace a costly, complicated and vastly inefficient welfare bureaucracy.”
Allocating Water in Foundation for Economic Education
“The Clinton team is talking about the need for national unity in the face of a genuine political crisis, but its idea of unity seems to be for Republicans to abandon all of their policies and interests,” writes political scientist Peter Feaver and a co-author.
Venezuela Election in Foreign Policy
“Uncontrollable world events can tip elections. … In fact, Donald Trump’s election chances may depend on something as seemingly random as a global epidemic.”
in Forbes
As in previous presidential elections, a group of experts at science and engineering organizations submitted 20 questions last week to this year’s candidates, seeking their positions on topics including innovation, research, climate change and the internet. (View the questions at http://sciencedebate.org/20qs). Among the scientists who are part of this effort are Duke professors Michael B. Waitzkin and Nita Farahany. In a Q&A with Campaign Stop 2016, Waitzkin, deputy director of the Duke Initiative for Science & Society, talks about the importance of the candidates’ answers in this year’s election.