Behind the Syrian war, al-Qaida and ISIS fight for control of jihadi movement
“What ISIL has done is to accomplish some of the things, at an earlier stage in that organization’s development, than al-Qaeda was able to.”
Epoch Times
“What ISIL has done is to accomplish some of the things, at an earlier stage in that organization’s development, than al-Qaeda was able to.”
Epoch Times
Presidential Legacy in the Miami Herald
“The victims of the Paris attacks, the first thing we heard was everything about their individuality, we heard about their tastes, the way they look. The first thing we heard about foreign victims of other attacks in Baghdad or Beirut or elsewhere in the Arab world was about them being political subjects.”
The Chronicle
A majority of European chief financial officers believe that refugees entering the continent will have a positive economic impact, according to new research. Nearly 60 percent of the CFOs believe accepting migrants will help solve long-term demographic problems their nations face, such as an aging population and shrinking labor force.
City A.M.
State of the Union
State of the Union, Venezuela Election