Donald Trump's anti-terrorism proposals would weaken America and lead to more terrorist attacks if they are carried out, writes David Schanzer of the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security.
“We are stuck because, on the one hand, our enemy cannot be totally defeated and, on the other, we cannot withdraw from this conflict without exposing our country and the world to more violence and instability,” writes national security expert David Schanzer.
"I have long believed that it is a melancholy but inescapable truth that in too many instances it takes litigation to get powerful corporate interests to do what they ought to do in the public interest. These days I think that there are instances where civil or criminal legal action against social media companies whose platforms are being used by terrorists could provide a needed incentive.”
Fighting Terrorism
Law allowing 9/11 families to sue Saudi Arabia could harm global anti-terrorism efforts
Curtis Bradley in ABC News
Fighting Terrorism
The targeted killing of American citizens
Jefferson Powell in the Oxford University Press blog
Fighting Terrorism
Opinion: Donald Trump dangerously wrong on how to counter Islamic State
Donald Trump's anti-terrorism proposals would weaken America and lead to more terrorist attacks if they are carried out, writes David Schanzer of the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security.
David Schanzer in
Fighting Terrorism
15 years after 9/11, U.S. stuck in the forever war
“We are stuck because, on the one hand, our enemy cannot be totally defeated and, on the other, we cannot withdraw from this conflict without exposing our country and the world to more violence and instability,” writes national security expert David Schanzer.
The News & Observer
Fighting Terrorism
Can litigation against social media platforms help disarm terrorist organizations?
"I have long believed that it is a melancholy but inescapable truth that in too many instances it takes litigation to get powerful corporate interests to do what they ought to do in the public interest. These days I think that there are instances where civil or criminal legal action against social media companies whose platforms are being used by terrorists could provide a needed incentive.”
Fighting Terrorism
France weighs responses to terror