According to reports, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is considering former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as his running mate. Generals typically have little name recognition, and senior military leaders may not be comfortable in a No. 2 spot, says a Duke political scientist.
David Schanzer in The Christian Science Monitor
Election Season
Disease Control in American Constitution Society for Law and Policy
As the National Park Service prepares to turn 100 in August, our national parks represent a treasure in need of need attention, says Stuart Pimm, a professor of conservation ecology who helped establish the new Park Institute of America, an independent nonprofit located at Duke that’s dedicated to protecting our national parks.
in the podcast “Glad You Asked”
“Fewer new businesses are being started in aggregate, but the expected quality of the new businesses that are starting is high -- possibly higher than ever before. Entrepreneurship is getting more selective.”
in TechCrunch
“There was a period in the 2000s, when the gun reform movement was in the doldrums. But all these mass shootings, along with new resources that have come into the movement from Michael Bloomberg and others, really have led to a resurgence.”
Combatting ISIS in Slate