“Trump's win was an ugly, divisive victory not supported by a majority of American voters. But it has overwhelmed the old Democratic and Republican establishments," said Pope "Mac" McCorkle of the Sanford School.
Fighting Extremism, David Schanzer, Venezuela Election, Iowa Caucuses in Duke faculty in Duke Today
It’s Election Day, so be sure to exercise your right to vote! In his latest opinion piece, historian Bill Chafe says the nation is “on the edge of a social and political divide that goes beyond even that of 1968, and threatens a new cultural civil war of ‘us’ against ‘them.’ ” Can we as a people overcome our differences?
William Chafe writing in the East Bay Times
Gavan Fitzsimons writing in The New York Times
Gerrymandering is nothing new; politicians were doing it back in the 1800s. But the practice has reached a whole new level in recent decades. In the latest episode of the podcast Ways & Means, Sanford fellow Tom Ross, as well as two former North Carolina Supreme Court justices -- one a Democrat, one a Republican -- discuss why and how we should change the system.
Tom Ross in the Ways & Means podcast