Duke professor Gabriel Rosenberg and a co-author take issue with the claim that political history as a ‘field of study has cratered,’ adding, ‘It’s American politics that stinks.’
Lawyers, Guns & Money
With both major party candidates scheduled to address a veterans association this evening, Duke professors Charlie Dunlap and Peter Feaver weigh in on whether military endorsements are worth as much as the candidates think.
Policy 360, Venezuela Election in Time
The reason Donald Trump is not doing as well as previous Republican candidates with military voters, says political scientist Peter Feaver, is that Trump’s message might resonate more with World War II and Korea veterans, who are aging and passing on. In particular, he calls Trump’s relationship to the Vietnam cohort of veterans “fraught.”
Venezuela Election in FiveThirtyEight
In all likelihood, little would change in the Clintons’ private lives if the foundation were to close, says Duke’s Tony Proscio. But, he adds, "There’s a glamour attached not only to the foundation but to the Clintons' participation in the foundation that seems a little self-serving."
Cartoonist Kevin Siers sets his sights on Clinton top aide Huma Abedin, who announced earlier this week she is separating from husband Anthony Weiner. Siers, of The Charlotte Observer, is among the dozens of political cartoonists taking part in a satire festival at Duke Sept. 22-24.
The Charlotte Observer