February 2, 2016 National Security Alumna explains role as leader in intelligence agency The Chronicle
February 2, 2016 Health Care Could the federal government as customer reduce vaccine shortages? Modern Healthcare
February 2, 2016 U.S. Senate Could Supreme Court fight put Richard Burr’s Senate seat in play? The Charlotte Observer
February 2, 2016 Presidential Race Can Hillary’s email troubles stop her from becoming president? the blog “Lawfire”
February 2, 2016 Gun Control Scalia’s gun rights legacy is likely to stand, no matter who replaces him The Trace
National Security
Alumna explains role as leader in intelligence agency
The Chronicle
Replacing Obamacare
Who’s advising Trump on health care?
Political Truth-twisting
Global fact-checking up 50% in past year
Health Care
Could the federal government as customer reduce vaccine shortages?
Modern Healthcare
U.S. Senate
Could Supreme Court fight put Richard Burr’s Senate seat in play?
The Charlotte Observer
Presidential Race
Can Hillary’s email troubles stop her from becoming president?
the blog “Lawfire”
Gun Control
Scalia’s gun rights legacy is likely to stand, no matter who replaces him
The Trace
Bernie Sanders
The high cost of Bernie Sanders’ health plan
Global Economy
Is the global bank sell-off ominous?
Business Day TV
Bernie Sanders
The elite’s impatience with the Sanders’ campaign