If you’re looking to find a smashing Obamacare success story -- a place where the nation’s biggest and most controversial new law in a generation has truly lived up to its promise -- you might stick a pin directly in North Carolina.
In the lead-up to a political cartoon and satire festival on Duke’s campus this fall, members of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists have agreed to let Campaign Stop republish their work. Today’s work is produced by the Charlotte Observer’s Kevin Siers, who joined the paper in 1987 and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning in 2014.
Homeland security expert David Schanzer talks about last week’s shooting and ongoing tensions over racial bias, saying the vast majority of Americans share enough similar beliefs that will ultimately bring back calm.
According to reports, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is considering former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as his running mate. Generals typically have little name recognition, and senior military leaders may not be comfortable in a No. 2 spot, says a Duke political scientist.
Vincent Conitzer on Microsoft CEO’s 10 rules for artificial intelligence
Brexit is a reality. Here’s how business schools should respond
Affordable Care Act
Obamacare’s sinking safety net
If you’re looking to find a smashing Obamacare success story -- a place where the nation’s biggest and most controversial new law in a generation has truly lived up to its promise -- you might stick a pin directly in North Carolina.
Political cartoonists at Duke Sept. 21-24
In the lead-up to a political cartoon and satire festival on Duke’s campus this fall, members of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists have agreed to let Campaign Stop republish their work. Today’s work is produced by the Charlotte Observer’s Kevin Siers, who joined the paper in 1987 and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning in 2014.
The Charlotte Observer
Dallas Shootings
Turmoil and grief in wake of violence
Homeland security expert David Schanzer talks about last week’s shooting and ongoing tensions over racial bias, saying the vast majority of Americans share enough similar beliefs that will ultimately bring back calm.
the podcast “On Security”
Mary Cummings on police use of remote weaponry
Political Representation
There are too many lawyers in politics
Gun Control
Joseph Blocher on gun sales following a massacre
Military Spending
Facts about the defense budget you should know
his blog “Lawfire”
Presidential Race
Why Donald Trump is considering a general for his running mate
According to reports, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump is considering former Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn as his running mate. Generals typically have little name recognition, and senior military leaders may not be comfortable in a No. 2 spot, says a Duke political scientist.
The Christian Science Monitor